Simple Softwares (excel files) have been developed by the UIS, Montreal and UNESCO, Paris for the analysis of educational data. By using these excel templates; the user can undertake analysis of educational data in a variety of ways. The UIS Excel templates were developed at the time of EFA Year 2000 Assessment. Through these templates, one can use raw data in constructing EFA 18-Core indicators. In the other set of excel sheets developed by the UNESCO, Paris, the user can undertake the following analysis:
Cohort analysis: Indicators of internal efficiency of education system Sprague multiplier (for obtaining single-age population from age-group population) Enrolment projection module and Ginni Coefficient for measuring inequalities in the education system.
Users are requested to refer the instructions and are required to quote full reference of the module used in any form.
The Softwares are presented in the ZIP file form that need to be unzipped before
the same is used in the Excel.