Education for all in India
Presents everything about education in India and recent initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Education Policy (NPE, 1986) & Programme of Action (POA,1994)
Presents details of NPE (1986) and POA (1994.
National Policy on Education NPE (1986 & 1992)
Presents details of national policy off educations (NPE, 1986)and
its programme of action (POA).
Part I: Introductory of National Policy of Education in India
Presents different chapters of NPE 1986 and POA 1994
Education for All in India: Population of India: 2001
Presents Everything about Education in India and recent initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
District-specific Literacy Rate
Presents district-wise literacy rates in India, 2001 Census.
District-wise Population (Census) Data: 2001 Census, India
Presents district-wise population: male, female and total
population, density of population, sex ratio and decadal rate of
growth in India for all districts: 2001 Census.
Census of India 2001: Analysis & Articles on Population & Literacy
Presents articles based on Census of India 2001 with regards to
literacy rates, literacy of SC and ST population and final
population, male, female and total population, sex ratio, workers
and non-workers, population by religions and many more.
Census of India 2001: Provisional Population Data
Analysis of Census 2001 population data in India.
Education for all in
rural-Urban literates
Education for all in
rural-urban population
India : Human Development Index (HDI) Rank
Human development index computed by the UNDP
Basis educational planning software for quantitative analysis of
Software for Education Planner
zip UIS
software for education planners
Site Map of Education For All in India
Site Map of
Part II : The Essence & Role of Education
Presents details of NPE and POA.
Curriculum Vitae of Arun C. Mehta
Bio-data of Arun C Mehta: papers, books, reports and all other
Bio-Data of Dr. Arun C. Mehta, NUEPA, New Delhi and his publications
No Description
NPE (1986), Part III: The National System of Education
Presents different sections of NPE (1986).
NPE (1986), Part IV: Education for Equality
Presents different sections of NPe (1986).
NPE (1986), Part V: Reorganization of Education at Different Stages
Presents different sections of NPE (1986).
NPE (1986), PART VI :Technical and Management Education
Presents different sections of NPE (1987).
NPE (1986), Part VII : Making the System Work
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986), Part VIII : Reorienting the Content and Process of
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986), Part IX: The Teacher
Presents different sections of NPE (1986).
NPe (1986), Part X :The Management of Education
Presents different sections of NPE (1986).
NPE (1986), Part XI :Resources and Review
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) anf POA (1992).
NPE (1986), Part XII :The Future
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
Programme of Action (POA, 1992): Education
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
NPE (1986), The Situation as in 1986
=Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
National Policy of Education (NPE, 1986) and its Programme of Action
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
Development since National Policy of Education, 1986 & its Programme
of Action>
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
Revised Policy Formulations (Education) in India
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
Disaggregated Target Setting and Decentralized Educational Planning
in India
Presents methodological framework of educational planning in India.
Provision of Universal Access
Presents Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986), Scheme of Voluntary Schools
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986), Programme of Non-formal Education
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986), Micro Planning
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994)
NPE (1986: Operation Blackboard
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
National Curricular framework
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986): Load of School Bag
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986): Minimum Level of Learning
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986): Launching of National Mission
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986): Making the System Work
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986): Proposed Action
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
NPE (1986): Monitoring and Evaluation
Presents different sections of NPE (1986) and POA (1994).
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Insertion of new article 21A. Substitution of new article for
article 45 and Amendment of article 51A.
Education for All in India: Goals and Objectives
Presents Everything about Education for all in India with respect to
goals and objectives.
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Status of No Detention & Incentive Schemes
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Comptroller & Auditor General of India Report on Nutritional Support
To Primary Education
Presents Comptroller & Auditor General of India Report on
Nutritional Support To Primary Education.
Projections of Student Enrolment and Flows by Arun C. Mehta,
Presents details of a world bank study on school enrolment in India.
Presents outcome of enrolment projection exercise undertaken in
CONTENTS: Education for All in India, Enrolment Projections by Arun
C. Mehta
Presents contents of a book by Arun C. Mehta on enrolment
projections in India.
Comments on Education For All books written by Arun C. Mehta
book reviews on Education for All books.
Education for All in India: Enrolment Projections at School Level
Presents outcome of enrolment projection exercises in India with
focus on school education.
Education For All in India: Myth and Reality
Presents about elementary education in India and initiatives to
achieve UEE.
Education For All in India: Myth and Reality by Arun C. Mehta
Presents chapters and tables of a book Education For All in India:
Myth and Reality by Dr. Arun C. Mehta .
Arun C. Mehta.
Development of Local Level Information System for Education
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
EFA the Year 2000 Assessment: India
Presents activities initiated in India towards EFA 2001 assessment
through 18-Core Indicators.
EFA 2000 Assessment: Case Studies Conducted in India
Presents summary of 19 case studies on EFA conducted in India in
Summary of Case Studies Conducted in India: EFA the Year 2000
Presents details of case studies on EFA conducted in India in 2001.
Elementary Education in India: Statistical Statements I
Critical analysis of status of elementary education in India.
Status of Elementary Education in India: Statements II
Critical analysis of status of elementary education in india though
a variety of indicators.
Elementary Education in India: Current Status, Recent Initiatives
and Future Prospects
Detailed analysis of status of elementary education in India with
focus on current status, and future prospects.
EFA Indicators in India
Presents EFA 18 indicators in India, 2001.
National Curriculum Framework for School Education: November 2000
Presents the national curriculum framework on school education
developed by the NCERT.
NCERT Curriculum Framework: 2000 and 2005
Presents NCERT national curriculum framework 2000 and 2005.
Redefining NCERT: The Saffronising of Academia
Presents NCERT curriculum framework on school education and its
critical review.
New curriculum Framework: Anil Sadgopal
District Information System for Education (DISE)
District Primary Education Programme (DPEP)
Presents details of district primary education programme (DPEP)
initiated in India in 1994 in 18 states and 272 districts.
District Primary Education Programme (DPEP): Logic and Logistics
Presents all about district primary education programme launched in
DPEP Guidelines
DPEP Guidelines: Preface
Presents guidelines of district primary education programme
conducted in India in 272 districts.
Presents DPEP parameters and its guidelines.
Presents DPEP parameters and its guidelines.
District Primary Education Programme
Financial parameters of DPEP.
Presents planning process adopted under DPEP in India.
Presents of DPEP Framework.
District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) Staffing Pattern
Presents staffing pattern adopted in the DPEP.
DPEP Coverage: States and Districts
Name of states and districts covered under DPEP.
Planning Process under DPEP
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
State Experiences on School Mapping & Micro Planning
Presents detail of school mapping exercise useful in identifying
locations of new schools expressed in WORKSHOP ON SCHOOL MAPPING AND
MICRO PLANNING conducted by NUEPA, New Delhi.
District Primary Education Programme (DPEP): Progress Towards
Achieving Goals
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Going to Scale with Education Reform: India�s DPEP: 1995-99 By
Raghaw Pandey
Presents reforms undertaken in the form of DPEP in India in the area
of primary education: Country Studies, Education Reform and
Management Publication Series, Volume I, July 2000, the World Bank,
Washington, DC 20433 USA.
Presents management and organization of Para-teachers (contractual
teachers) in India number of Para-teachers, their academic and
professional qualification.
THE PLANNING PROCESS IN District Primary Education Programme (DPEP)
Presents planning process adopted under DPEP in India published in
DPEP Calling, Volume VI, No. 11, December 2000, Government of India,
MHRD, New Delhi.
Research under District Primary Education Programme
Presents details of research studies conducted under DPEP.
Upper Primary Education in India: Present Status and Future
Presents details of a world bank study on upper primary education
conducted in India by NIEPA/NUEPA.
Upper Primary Education in India: An Analysis of School Facilities
and Costs
Presents outcome of a study on upper primary education in India.
School Mapping: An Analysis of Educational Facilities in Dhenkanal
Presents details of a study on school mapping conducted in India in
the state of Orissa.
A Study of Planning Process Under DPEP: Aurangabad District
Presents steps followed in developing district primary education
plan followed in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra under DPEP.
Trends in Activities and Utilization of Financial Resources Under
Presents details of a study on utilization of funds under DPEP.
How Much do Children Learn in Primary School: A Study of Waynad
a study on learners attainment/achievement conducted under DPEP in
Waynad district of Kerala.
Functioning of Village Education Committee: A Study of Haryana
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Three Years of DPEP: Assessment and Challenges
Presents about assessment of DPEP.
Access and Retention: The Impact of DPEP
Presents outcome of a study conducted on access and retention in
DPEP districts.
Three Years of DPEP and Learners Achievement: An Overview
Reflections on learner's achievement under DPEP: study conducted by
Trends in Access and Retention: A Study of Primary Schools in DPEP
Presents outcome of a study conducted on trends in access and
retention in primary schools in DPEP districts.
Mid-Term Assessment Survey : An Appraisal of Students Achievement
Presents details and outcome of mid-term assessment survey on
learner's achievement under DPEP.
Mid-Term Assessment (SSA) Survey, NCERT, New Delhi
Presents outcome of mid-term assessment survey on school achievement
in India conducted by NCERT.
Ongoing Research in Education in India: Educational Planning and
Recent research initiatives in India in the field of education at
DPEP Fact Sheet
Progress of DPEP in different states published in DPEP Calling,
Volume VI, No. 11, December 2000, Government of India, New Delhi.
Presents analysis of a study conducted in the Tamil Nadu
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA): A Programme for Universal Elementary
Education in India
Presents about Education in India and recent initiatives in its
efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010 under one
of its important programmes, namely Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan: Framework for Implementation
Presents framework of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) under
implementation in India.
Redefining NCERT: The Saffronising of Academia
Comments about National curriculum framework designed by the NCERT
Planning Under SSA: Pre-Project Activities and Plan for
Proceeding of Training Programme on Methodology and Techniques of
District Planning in Education Under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan conducted
Planning for Quality of Elementary Education under SSA
Presents proceeding of Training Programme on Methodology and
Techniques of District Planning in Education Under Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan conducted by NIEPA.
Presents Everything about Education in India and recent initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Monitoring under Supervision Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Program (SSA)
Suggestive framework for monitoring of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
Monitoring Framework and Set of Indicators
suggestive framework for monitoring of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
State Mission Directors & State Project Directors (Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan/District Primary Education Programme): Addresses
Presents complete addresses of state project/mission directors of
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in different states.
Modules for Quantitative Analysis of Educational Data
Planning methodology, data requirements, population and enrolment
projections and use of indicators in planning elementary education.
methodology of planning for education
Methodology and use of indicators in planning elementary education.
Demographic aspects of educational planning
Presents a variety of demographic indicators which have implications
for education.
Setting plan targets: School education
methodology of setting plan targets in case of school education
Review of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
Achievement Surveys under SSA conducted by NCERT
Presents outcome of achievement surveys conducted by NCERT under SSA
Training in Educational Planning and Administration in India
Presents training programmes in the areas of educational planning
and management being organized at different levels in India.
State Institute of Educational Management and Training (SIEMAT)
Concept note on state institute of educational management and
training: NUEPA.
A Note on State Institute of Educational Management and Training
Presents details of newly established State Institutes of
Educational Management and Training (SIEMATs).
Human Development - Emerging Dimensions: Role of SIEMAT
Presents emerging role of state institutes of education management
and training (SIEMAT).
State Intervention in Education and the Role of SIEMAT
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
District Institute of Educational and Training (DIET)
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
District Institute of Education Training (DIET): An Evaluation Study
Presents outcome of an evaluation study of DIETs conducted by R.
District Institute of Educational and Training (DIET) Pendra
(Bilaspur) INDIA
A visit to DIET Pendra: Bilaspur (Madhya Pradesh).
Training Programme on Using Indicators in Planning Elementary
Presents details of training programme on use of indicators in
planning elementary education: curriculum, time-table, list of
Presents course curriculum of diploma in educational planning and
administration being conducted by NUEPA, New Delhi.
Presents details of software useful for educational planners.
Use of POPULATION PROJECTIONS techniques in educational planning
Presents details of population projections techniques to project
state and district population for developing elementary education
Education for all in India: Projected population: 5-18 Year
Population projections by the office of the Registrar General of
India up to 2016.
Statistical Analysis of Educational Data in India
Statistical analysis of Educational Data: Graphic presentation,
thematic presentation etc.
Creation of Thematic Maps
Creation of thematic maps by using educational data: PopMap
Core Education for All 18-Indicators in India
Core EFA 18-Indicators and its computation: state-wise in India
Indicators of Educational Development: Concept and Definitions
Presents everything about indicators os school education in general
and in India in particular
Indicators of Educational Development : Concept and Definitions
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Education in Manifestos: Priorities and Commitments by Arun C.
Mehta, National Herald
Presents political agenda of different parties with regard to
Reliability of Educational Data in the Light of NCERT Sixth Survey
Comparison of NCERT all India educational survey data with other
sources of data in school education in India.
Status of EFA in the Light of National Family Health Survey (NFHS)
Survey by Arun C. Mehta
Presents detailed analysis of national family health survey data
with reference to universal elementary enrolment in India.
Estimates of Overage and Underage Children at School Level by Arun
C. Mehta
Presents estimates of over-age and under-age children at primary and
upper primary level of education based on different sources in
Status of UEE in the Light of NCERT Sixth All India
Presents status of elementary education in the light of all India
educational survey data conducted by the NCERT.
Efficiency and its Correlates: A Cross State Analysis by Arun C.
Presents outcome of a study on efficiency and its correlates in
school education in India.
EFA in India: Myth and Reality by Arun C. Mehta
Presents a paper on status of elementary education in India with all
aspects of school education.
A Note on Educational Statistics in India
Arun C. Mehta
Presents status of educational management information system in
Development of Local Level Information System
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Upper Primary Indicators
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Utilization of Educational Database with Special Reference to
Graphic Presentation
Tools and techniques of graphic presentation of educational data.
Impact of Primary Education on Literacy: An Analysis of Census 2001
Provisional Data by Arun C. Mehta
Presents contribution of national literacy mission to total
literates produced in India between 1991 and 2001.
Role of Diagnosis with focus on upper primary education in India
An analysis of indicators that are required for upper primary level
of education in India.
Can Universal Secondary Education be achieved in near future?
Detailed analysis of status of universalisation of secondary
education in India.
Non-Formal Education Programmes: A Suggestive Framework of NFE
Presents suggestive framework of indicators for assessing non-formal
Presents Guidelines for Data Analysis & Information Use developed
for Asia and pacific centre for UNESCO activities.
Fees, Autonomy and Equity by J. B. G. Tilak
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Free and Compulsory Education Legislative Intervention by J. B. G.
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Educational Development in the North-Eastern Region of India
Presents analysis of status of elementary education in north-eastern
region of India.
Research Notes: Education in India
Presents outcome of research studies undertaken in India in the area
of educational planning and administration/management.
Educational Management Information System in India (EMIS)
Presents details of educational management information system in
India with reference to agencies, sources of data, gaps and
limitations and publications.
Presents documents of DISE including reports of five percent random
sample checking of data.
Right to Education Bill: 2005 in India
Bill on right to education placed in the parliament in India.
Educational Information System in India and its Limitations:
Suggestions for Improvement
Presents about educational information system in India: Sources,
publications, limitations and data gaps..
Education in India: Quantitative Expansion
Presents status of school education in India by analysing a variety
of indicators.
All India Educational Surveys
��Introduction to All India Educational Surveys on School Education,
Educational Administration and Technical Manpower Information
Data/Information Requirements for Educational Planning in India
Data requirements for educational planning at different levels in
case of access, enrolment, retention and quality of indicators: gaps
and limitations
Indicators of Educational Development: Concepts, Definitions & Real
Life Data
Presents definitions of a variety of indicators concerning different
aspects of universalisation of education.
Enrolment Ratio to Attendance Rate (Retention, Completion &
Graduation Rates
Presents detailed analysis of enrolment based indicators and effort
to develop alternative indicators of enrolment.
Status of UEE in the Light of NCERT Sixth All India Educational
Survey Data: 2002-03
Critical analysis of sixth all-India education survey conducted by
NCERT with regard to universalisation of elementary education in
Status of UEE in the Light of NCERT Sixth All India Educational
Survey: Tables (I)
Presents Everything about Education in India and Recent Initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the Goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Status of UEE in the Light of NCERT Sixth All India Educational
Survey Data: Tables
Presents analysis of data.
Status of UEE in the Light of NCERT Sixth All India Educational
Survey Data No Description
New Data Released by MHRD, NCERT, NUEPA (DISE), NSSO & Census
Details of latest data released in India.
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Publications
Presents details of MHRD publications on school statistics in India:
selected educational statistics.
MHRD Publications: Selected Educational Statistics and Education in
Presents details of ministry of human resource development (MHRD)
publications on education
MHRD Publications: Analysis of Budgeted Expenditure on Education
Presents publication of MHRD on school statistics in India, various
publications for different years.
National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO)
Present details of national sample survey organization with
reference to educational data.
All India Educational Survey conducted by NCERT: Sixth Survey)
Present details of all India educational survey being conducted by
the NCERT and all India educational administration survey being
conducted by NUEPA.
Selected Educational Statistics (MHRD)
Presents Everything about Education in India and recent initiatives
in its efforts to achieve the goal of Universal Enrolment by 2010.
Few Reflections
Comments of visitors on site
State-wise number of out-of-school children in India.
Book Reviews (Education Books)
Reviews of books on education.
Education of Indian Scheduled Tribes: A Study of Community Schools
Book review of education of Indian scheduled tribes.
Learning the Treasure Within by Jacques Delors, UNESCO, 1996
Presents book review of a book written by Jacques Delors.
Educational Links
All about important educational links.
Disclaimer: Education for all in India
Census of India Publications and Data: 2001
Presents literacy rate, population and other indicators from Census
of India: state and district-wise.
District-specific Literacy Rates, 2001: Preliminary Analysis
Presents district-specific literacy rates for all districts of
India, 2001 Census.
Seminar on Progress of Literacy in India: What the Census 2001
Prevails (October 05, 2001)
Presents proceeding and papers presented in the seminar (conducted
by NIEPA).
Growth in Literacy in India: INDIA�S LITERACY PANORAMA
Presents growth in literacy in India, rural and urban and SC and ST
literacy rates
A note on literacy data of the 2001 Census
Some Significant Features of Literacy Data of the 2001 Census and
Projection of Literacy Rate for the Population of age group 15+.
Seminar on progress of literacy in India: what the Census 2001
Paper presented in seminar on literacy in India held at NIEPA/NUEPA.
Maharashtra: A Socio-special Analysis of Literacy Trends With
Special Reference to 2001 Census
A paper presented in the seminar on progress of literacy in India:
what the Census 2001 prevails.
Census of India 2001: Final Population Totals
Presents Everything about Census of India 2001 data and articles on
population and literacy rates in India: state and district-wise
Disabled Population by Sex and Residence: 2001 Census
Presents state-wise number of disabled population: India, States and
Union Territories.
Census Goldmine: Dissemination of 2001 Data by Ashish Bose
Professor Ashish on dissemination of 2001 Census data in India about
its richness..
Mid-day Meal (Noon Meal) Scheme in India
Presents details of one of the largest scheme in the world under
implementation in all the schools of India, more than 170 million
children in 610 districts are being provided cooked meal every day..
Education For All in India: Goals and Objectives
details of world initiatives towards education for all in India.
Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) & Universalisation of
Secondary Education
PDF and Other Files
Software for Educational Planners (I)
Software for Educational Planners (I)
NIEPA/NUEPA Monitoring Tools for SSA
NIEPA Monitoring Tools for SSA
Monitoring Framework and Set of No
pdf document
No Description
Introduction to Modules on Education
Data Requirements for Educational Planning
Modules for developing district education plans in India
Modules on enrolment and Population Projections
Grade Ratio and Grade Transition Methods for Enrolment Projections
Measures of Inequalities in Education
Can there be alternative indicators of enrolment
Child Tracking and True Cohort Study
Achievement Surveys Under SSA No Description
Achievement Survey conducted by NCERT
Baseline Learners Assessment Study by NCERT
Baseline Learners Assessment Study by NCERT
Education in million Plus Cities in India
List and addresses of DIETs
Introduction to DISE
DISE 2001: Major Highlights
DISE: School Data Capture Format
DISE Field Manual
DISE: Village Field Manual
DISE Implementation Schedule
DISE Workshop Schedule (NUEPA)
Random Sample Checking of DISE Data
Revised School Format
District Report Cards: 2005-06
District Report Cards: 2005-06
DISE Executive Summary 2005-06
Student Flow at Primary Level in India
Report of the Common School System (CSS)
Eleventh Five Year Plan: 2007-12, Chapter on Elementary Education
DISE Flash Statistics: 2005-06
Framework for EDI Computation
Framework for EDI Computation
Analytical Report: 2004-05
DISE Analytical Tables: 2004-05
State Report Cards: 2004-05
State Report Cards: 2004-05
Elementary Education in Rural India: 2005-06
Elementary Education in Urban India: 2004-05
District Report Cards: 2004-05
District Report Cards: 2004-05
Drop-out Rate at Primary level based on DISE data
CABE committee on universalisation of secondary education
DISE latest district-specific data
Selected Educational Statistics: 2002-03, MHRD
District Report Cards: 2003-04
Selected Educational Statistics 2005-06
Few Reflections No Description
Educational Expenditure in India
State-wise number of out-of-school children in India
DISE Analytical Report: 2003-04
Elementary Education in India: Analytical Report, 2002-03
No Description
Study on Students Attendance
Table on Disabled Population : 2001 Census
No Description
Population by Types of Disability
Literacy Levels of Disabled Population
Economic Status of Disable Population
xls Census
Religious Data, 2001
Analysis of Religion Data : 2001 Census
Growth Rate in Population : 1991 to 2001
KGBV Guidelines
NPEGL Guidelines
Evaluation of KGBV