"Fundamentals of Econometrics",
Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1987 (with Prof. B.C.
"Education for All in India -Myth and Reality",
Kanishka Publishers, January 1995, New Delhi.
"Population Projections: Sub-national Dimensions”,
Commonwealth Publishers, Delhi, 1996.
Education for All in India: Enrolment Projections,
Vikas Publishing & NIEPA, New Delhi, 1998.
Investment Priorities & Cost Analysis: A
Study of Upper Primary Education in India
(with Dr. N. V. Varghese), Vikas Publishing & NIEPA, New
Delhi, 2001
Elementary Education in
Unrecognized Schools in India: A Study of Punjab based on DISE 2005
data, NIEPA, New Delhi,
January, 2005.
Elementary Education in India:
Where do we stand? Analytical Report,
2003, NIEPA, New Delhi, July, 2004.
Elementary Education in India:
Where do we stand? Analytical Report,
2004, NIEPA, New Delhi, September 2005.
Education in India: Where do we stand? District Report Cards
(Volume I & II),
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi, January 2006.
Education in India: Where do we stand? State Report Cards,
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi, January 2006
Education in Rural India: Where do we stand?,
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi, January 2006.
Education in Urban India: Where do we stand?,
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi, January 2006.
Education in India: Where do we stand? State Report Cards,
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi, March 2006.
Education in India: Progress Towards UEE, Analytical Report 2005,
NIEPA, New Delhi, July 2006.
Education in India: Progress towards UEE: DISE Flash Statistics:
2005-06, NUEPA, New
Delhi, January 2007.
Elementary Education in
Rural India: Where do we stand?,
2005-06, NUEPA, New Delhi, April 2007.
Education in Urban India: Where do we stand?,
2005-06, NUEPA, New Delhi, April 2007.
Education in India: Where do we stand? District Report Cards
(Volume I & II),
2005-06, NUEPA, New Delhi, April 2007.
Flow at Primary Level: A Study based on DISE Data,
NUEPA, New Delhi, April 2007.
Education in India: Where do we stand? Analytical Report,
2006-06, NUEPA, New Delhi, Forthcoming.
Education in India: Where do we stand? State Report Cards,
2005-06, NUEPA, New Delhi, Forthcoming.
Education in India: Progress towards UEE: DISE Flash Statistics:
2006-07, NUEPA, New
Delhi, January 2008.
Progress of Literacy in India:
What the Census 2001 Reveals,
NIEPA, New Delhi, January, 2003 (Proceedings of Seminar).
Elementary Education in India:
Where do we stand? District Report Cards (Volume I & II),
2003, NIEPA, New Delhi, November, 2004.
Elementary Education in India:
Where do we stand? State Report Cards,
2004, NIEPA, New Delhi, April, 2005.
Elementary Education in India:
Where do we stand? District Report Cards (Volume I & II),
2004, NIEPA, New Delhi, July, 2005.
Elementary Education in Rural
India: Where do we stand?,
2004, NIEPA, New Delhi, August 2005.
Elementary Education in Urban
India: Where do we stand?,
2004, NIEPA, New Delhi, August 2005.
Elementary Education in India:
Where do we stand? District Report Cards (Volume I & II),
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi, January 2006.
Elementary Education in India:
Where do we stand? State Report Cards,
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi, January 2006.
Elementary Education in Rural
India: Where do we stand?,
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi, January 2006.
Elementary Education in Urban
India: Where do we stand?,
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi, January 2006.
Elementary Education in India:
Where do we stand? State Report Cards,
2005, NIEPA, New Delhi (forthcoming).
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"Relationship Between
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Pacific Countries",
Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi,
Silver Jubilee Special Issue on Planning, NIEPA, January 1989.
Hindi version of above article
in Journal of Educational Planning and Administration,
January 1989, NIEPA, New Delhi.
“Introduction to Computers
and its Application in Education”,
Educational Technology, October 1991, New Delhi.
"Introduction to LOTUS
1-2-3", Educational Technology, November, 1991, New
"District-wise Population
Projections for Rajasthan and 1991 Census Count: A Note",
Rajasthan Economic Journal, Vol. XV, No. l, January 1991.
"A Note on Educational
Statistics in India", Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Vol. VII,
No.1, January 1993, New Delhi.
"EFA in India - Myth and
Reality", Journal of
Education and Social Change, October-December 1992, Vol. VI,
No.3, 1993, Pune.
Hindi version of above article
in Pariperkshaya, No.2, Volume 1, January, 1994, NIEPA,
New Delhi
A Survey of Estimates of
Under-age and Over-age Children at the School Level",
Journal of Education and Social Change, Number 2, Volume VII
(July-September, 1993), 1994, Pune.
"Education For All :
Enrolment Projections in India",
Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, No.1,
Vol. VIII, January 1994.
"A Chapter on Data Analysis
for Rajasthan" in
UNESCO Published Report on Use of Sample Survey Techniques in
Educational Statistics, UNESCO, Paris, 1994.
"Efficiency and its
Correlates: A Cross-State Analysis",
Journal of Perspectives in Education, Vol.10, No.2, April
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"Demographic Projections at
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Journal of Man and Development, September, 1994, Chandigarh.
"Enrolment Projections in
the Context of DPEP Programme",
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"A Note on Educational and
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Journal of Progressive Educational Herald, 1995,
"Reliability of Educational
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(Sunday Herald), December 31, 1995, New Delhi.
Interaction Model for Sub-national Population Projections - A Case
Study of Rajasthan",
Rajasthan Economic Journal, Volume XVII, number 2, July 1994,
1996, Jaipur (with B. C. Mehta).
"Education in Manifestos:
Priorities and Commitments",
National Herald,
May 1, 1996.
“Status of Education for
All", Yojana,
Volume 40, No. 6, June 1995, New Delhi.
"Reliability of Educational
Data in the Context of NCERT Survey",
Journal of Educational Planning and Administration,
NIEPA, July 1996, Volume X, No.3, New Delhi.
Hindi version of above article
in Pariperkshaya, NIEPA, Volume 3, No.1, April 1996,
New Delhi.
"Development and
Utilization of Database for Non-Formal Literacy Programmes and
Networking of Computers",
Indian Journal of Adult Education, April-June, 1996,
"Education for All in
India: Some Recent Insights in the Light of National Family Health
Survey", Journal of Education and Social Change, IIE, July -September
and October - December, Volume IX, No. 2 and 3, Pune.
Hindi version of above article
in Pariperkshaya, NIEPA, Volume 2, No. 4, September
1996, New Delhi.
“Education Information
System in India its Limitations: Suggestions for Improvement”,
Journal of Indian Education, Volume XXIII, No. 2, August,
1997, NCERT, New Delhi.
“Information Requirements
for Educational Planning: Limitations and Gaps in the Existing
System”, Journal of Education & Social Change, January-March &
April-June, 1998, Volume XI, No. 4 & Volume XII, No. 1, Pune
“Data Requirements for
Educational Planning: Limitations and Gaps in the Existing
Inspection System”, Man
and Development, September 1998, Chandigarh.
“Need of Developing
Local-Level Information System (LIS) to Monitor Factors of School
Amsta-Mangal, March-September, 2000, Manipur
“Educational Development in
North-Eastern States of India”,
March-September, 2001, Manipur
“Impact of Primary
Education on Literacy; An Analysis of Census 2001 Preliminary Data”,
Indian Journal of Adult Education, Volume 63, No. 4,
October-December 2002, Hindi version of above article published in
Pariperkshaya, NIEPA, Volume 8, No. 1-2, April-august,
2001, New Delhi & Praudh Shiksha, July 2002, New Delhi
“Status of Secondary
Education in India”,
Amsta-Mangal, Volume X &
XI, No. 9, March-September 2002, Manipur and in Hindi in
Pariperkshaya, Number 3, Volume 9, December 2002 NIEPA, New
“Can There be Alternative
Indicators of Enrolment: A Critical Review of Frequently Used
Statistical Newsletter, No.125, April 2002,
Bangkok & Journal of Educational Planning &
Administration, July 2002, NIEPA, New Delhi. Also electronically
published by the UNESCO, Bangkok (Thailand). Presented in the
Regional Workshop on Education Statistics 2003 conducted by UIS,
Montreal at NIEPA, New Delhi, 2003. Also published in Issues in
Economic Development: Education and Human Capital, Edited by V.
S. Sakalya, The ICFAI University, Hyderabad, 2004.
“Can the Goal of Universal
Secondary Education be Achieved in the Near Future?”
Journal of Educational Planning, July 2003, NIEPA, New
“Indicators of Enrolment,
Attendance, Completion and Graduation Rates: A Critical Review”,
Business Perspectives, January – June, 2003, Volume 5, Number
1, Birla Institute of Management Technology, New Delhi.
“Primary Education and
Literacy: An analysis of Census 2001 Data”,
Man and Development, March 2004, Volume XXVI, No. 1, Centre
for Research in rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh, India.
“Evolvement of District
Information System For Education”,
September 2004, New Delhi
Is it Possible to Achieve
Universal Secondary Education in the Near Future: A Study of Present
Status and Future Prospects”,
March-September, 2004, Imphal.
"Projecting Regional
Population in Relation to National Population: Ratio Methods",
NIEPA, New Delhi.
"Use of Single
Equation Econometric Techniques in Population Projections at the
Sub-national Level", NIEPA,
New Delhi. "Regional Demographic Model" in Proceedings of
28th Annual Conference of All India Econometric Association,
October 29- 31, 1991, Darjeeling.
"A Case Study of
Computerized Personal Management Information System of Directorate
of Education Himachal Pradesh",
Shimla, August 1991.
"Microcomputers in
Education: An Application-Use of LOTUS 1-2-3",
NIEPA, New Delhi, October 1992.
"Student Flow
Analysis as a Base to Enrolment Projections",
in Training Programme on Educational Planning and Administration for
Senior Educational Officers of the Republic of China, NIEPA, New
Delhi, 1992.
"Student Flow and
Stock Indicators", NIEPA,
New Delhi, 1992.
Projections at the Sub-national level" in International Symposium in Population Growth in Developing
Countries, Organized by International Geographical Union Commission
on Population Growth, JNU, New Delhi, December 20-24, 1993.
"Basic Educational
Data: A Compilation”
Various Volumes, NIEPA, New Delhi.
"Development and
Utilization of Database for Non-formal Literacy Programme",
paper presented in `Workshop for Developing Literacy Resource Centre
for Girls and Women in Bangladesh' held at Dhaka, Bangladesh during
August 21-30, 1995 and published in LRC Activity Report, 1999: 3-3,
ACCU, Japan.
"Full Literacy in
Country by 2027", Report
based on article `Education For All in India: Myth & Reality,
Hindustan Times, April 2, 1993, New Delhi.
Population at the Sub-National Level by using Best Estimates & Best
Combinations Techniques”,
NIEPA, New Delhi, 1994
"Networking of
Computers”, paper
presented in `Workshop for Developing Literacy Resource Centre for
Girls and Women in Bangladesh’ held at Dhaka, Bangladesh during
August 21-30, 1995.
“Developing and
Utilization of MIS for Literacy Programmes in India’,
paper presented in `Workshop for Developing Literacy Resource Centre
for Girls and Women in India, Jointly organized by RAEA, Jaipur and
ACCU, Japan at Jaipur during September 26 to October 06, 1996.
“Introduction to All
India Educational Surveys on School Education, Educational
Administration and Technical Manpower Information System”,
NIEPA, New Delhi, 1998.
“Educational Data
Collecting Agencies: An Introduction to Surveys Based on
Household”, NIEPA, New Delhi, 1998
”Indicators of
Educational Development”,
NIEPA, New Delhi, 1999
“Role of Diagnosis
with Focus on Upper Primary Education,
NIEPA, New Delhi, 2000.
”Some Reflections on
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan”,
NIEPA, New Delhi, 2002
“From Indicators of
Enrolment to Attendance, Completion & Graduation Rates: A Critical
Review of Frequently Used Indicators”
paper presented in Sub-regional
Orientation-cum-Training Workshop on Planning and Monitoring of EFA
in South Asia, NIEPA, New Delhi, October 22 to November 03, 2001.
“Universalisation of
Secondary Education: Present Status and Future Prospects with Focus
on enrolment Projections in India”
paper presented in the seminar on
secondary education at NIEPA, New Delhi 2002.
“Need of Monitoring
and Set of Indicators under SSA”,
NIEPA, New Delhi, 2003.
“Status of Drop-out
Rate Primary Level: A Note Base on DISE 2004 and 2004 Data”,
NIEPA, New Delhi, 2005.